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Total Quality Management and its effects on Banking Services Quality - Field study on banks operating in the state of South Darfur

Publication Date : 2024-02-28
Journal Name : مجلة ريحان للنشر العلمي


The study aimed to demonstrate the impact of Total Quality Management on the quality of banking services in banks operating in the state of South Darfur - By studying the impact of the four dimensions of total quality management (senior management support, continuous improvement, customer focus, and information-based decision-making) on the quality of banking services, the study used the descriptive analytical approach using the questionnaire as a tool to collect field study data, where the study sample consisted of (100) individual employees of banks operating in the state of South Darfur – Nyala city, The study concluded that there is a statistical impact of Total Quality Management on the quality of banking services in banks operating in the state of South Darfur, There is a statistical effect of continuous improvement on the quality of banking services, there is a statistical effect of making decisions based on information on the quality of banking services, and there is a statistical impact of senior management support on the quality of banking services, the study recommended the need for senior management to adopt the Total Quality Management System in all its banking activities, and work on the application and evaluation of the Total Quality Management System in banks on an ongoing basis.


Total Quality, Banking Services, Continuous Improvement.

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