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Effect of Plasmodium vivax malaria and their density on some Haematological parameters in infected patients admitted to Wad Medani teaching hospital in Gezira state, Sudan

Author name : Sanaa Elfatih Hussein Ibrahim
Publication Date : 2021-12-12
Journal Name : Iraqi Journal of Science


Background: Despite the great effort of the malaria control program in Sudan, Plasmodium vivax malaria has remained a major challenge recently, causing significant morbidity with a variety of haematological changes. Objective: This study aims to investigate the effect of Plasmodium vivax malaria and their density on some haematological parameters in patients admitted to Wad Medani teaching hospital in Gezira state, Sudan. Methods: Some haematological parameters of 160 participants, 80 infected with vivax malaria (47 male and 33 female) and 80 non-infected with malaria, who were admitted to Wad Medani teaching hospital in Gezira state, Sudan during high transmission season between August and November 2018, were evaluated for some haematological parameters. Results: The parameters (haemoglobin, haematocrit, counts of red blood cells, platelets, white blood cells, lymphocytes, monocytes and eosinophils) were significantly lower in infected patients than malaria negatives. The platelets and haemoglobin were inversely correlated to parasite density in positive cases. Conclusion: The exhibition of some haematological parameters changes was closely related to patients infected with vivax malaria versus non-infected, and these changes could be used as a diagnostic criterion for vivax malaria diagnosis in endemic regions.


Haematological parameters, Plasmodium vivax, Malaria, Parasite density, Gezira State, Sudan.

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