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Evaluation of Common Coagulation Tests in Type 2 Diabetic Patients and Association with Diabetic Precardio vascular Complications, Gezira State?Sudan, 2020-2021

Author name : Sanaa Elfatih Hussein Ibrahim
Publication Date : 2021-09-16
Journal Name : Asian Hematology Research Journal


Background and Objectives: Diabetes has an epidemic character because of the huge growth within side the wide variety of human affected in latest years. If laboratory findings display abnormalities connected to an improved threat of thrombosis, diabetes, specifically type 2, can present hypercoagulability symptoms. The aim of this study to evaluate the common coagulation parameters PT, aPTT, and D-dimer in patients suffering with diabetes type 2 and to associate these parameters with the thrombotic complication in those patients. Original Research Article Ibrahim et al.; AHRJ, 5(4): 1-6, 2021; Article no.AHRJ.73065 2 Methods: This was a case control study performed on 70 patients with diabetic type 2 from different ages (Their ages ranging from 20-72 years with an average age of 56.2 years) and different gender (41.4% were males and 58.6% were females) attending the Diabetic Clinic of the Aldaraja Health Center, compared with 50 apparently healthy individual as a control group were enrolled in study and that in Wad Madeni, Gezira State, central of the Sudan in the period between June 2020 to January 2021, Blood were collected from each enrolled subject and the levels of PT, aPTT and D-dimer were measured. Results: This study showed lower levels of PT and aPTT (patients 13.3 seconds/ control 14.3 seconds and patients 34.3 seconds/ control 36.6 seconds) respectively with highly significance difference (P. value = 0.001) respectively when compared with control group, while showed higher level of D-dimer (patients 585.3 ng/ml/ control 178.58 ng/ml) with highly significant difference (P. value = 0.000) when compared with control group. In diabetic patients without thrombosis (early onset of occurring thrombosis) had low level of PT with highly significant difference (P. value = 0.000) when compared with diabetes plus thrombosis and control groups. Conclusion: We concluded that the Sudanese diabetic patients had a procoagulant state that would result in thrombosis, so we advocated that diabetic patients, specifically type 2 to take delivery of anticoagulant therapy for as a minimum a quick time as a preventative degree to keep away from thrombus formation, specifically cardiovascular.


Common coagulation tests; diabetes; thrombotic complication

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