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Applying and Comparison of Chaotic-Based Permutation Algorithms for Audio Encryption

Publication Date : 2021-02-25
Journal Name : Computers, Materials & Continua


This research presents, and clarifies the application of two permutation algorithms, based on chaotic map systems, and applied to a file of speech signals. They are the Arnold cat map-based permutation algorithm, and the Baker’s chaotic map-based permutation algorithm. Both algorithms are implemented on the same speech signal sample. Then, both the premier and the encrypted file histograms are documented and plotted. The speech signal amplitude values with time signals of the original file are recorded and plotted against the encrypted and decrypted files. Furthermore, the original file is plotted against the encrypted file, using the spectrogram frequencies of speech signals with the signal duration. These permutation algorithms are used to shuffle the positions of the speech files signals’ values without any changes, to produce an encrypted speech file. A comparative analysis is introduced by using some of sundry statistical and experimental analyses for the procedures of encryption and decryption, e.g., the time of both procedures, the encrypted audio signals histogram, the correlation coefficient between specimens in the premier and encrypted signals, a test of the Spectral Distortion (SD), and the Log-Likelihood Ratio (LLR) measures. The outcomes of the different experimental and comparative studies demonstrate that the two permutation algorithms (Baker and Arnold) are sufficient for providing an efficient and reliable voice signal encryption solution. However, the Arnold’s algorithm gives better results in most cases as compared to the results of Baker’s algorithm.


Arnold’s cat mapchaotic mapspermutation algorithmsspeech encryptionBaker’s chaotic map

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