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Hybrid security scheme for a colored image using DNA and chaotic map

Publication Date : 2022-11-12
Journal Name : 2022 14th International Conference on Mathematics, Actuarial Science, Computer Science and Statistics (MACS)


this paper proposes a color image encryption algorithm based on DNA encoding in conjunction with a 1D logistic map and a high-dimensional chaotic map. The XOR function is used to combine low and high-dimensional chaotic maps, resulting in a cipher image. For image encryption, the paper also proposes a system of confusion and diffusion. Confusion and Diffusion apply to high-dimensional chaotic maps. In a low-dimensional logistic map, the keyspace is smaller, and chaotic sequences are used directly from the chaotic map, which has an impact on the encryption process. Recent image encryption focuses primarily on a gray image scale. We present color image encryption that uses non-RGB color spaces like YCbCr, YIQ, HSV, and L*a*b*. The high connection between RGB color spaces red, green, and blue is commonly used in data storage and handling. RGB color spaces merge Luminance and Chroma channels so color analysis becomes more complex so we use non -RGB spaces. Using the logistic sine map or tent map association, different chaotic systems can be found by random number attacks and dictionary attacks. Gives the security analysis of encryption using DNA encoding and chaotic map and explains that it's vulnerable to plaintext-choice attacks we propose a new and more efficient approach and reduce time complexity then- existing approach and become encryption more secure.


Image color analysis , Chaotic communication , DNA , Color , Mobile communication , Encoding , Encryption

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