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Deep Learning-based prediction of Diabetic Retinopathy using CLAHE and ESRGAN for Enhancement

Publication Date : 2023-04-16
Journal Name : Healthcare


Vision loss can be avoided if diabetic retinopathy (DR) is diagnosed and treated promptly.
The main five DR stages are none, moderate, mild, proliferate, and severe. In this study, a deep
learning (DL) model is presented that diagnoses all five stages of DR with more accuracy than
previous methods. The suggested method presents two scenarios: case 1 with image enhancement
using a contrast limited adaptive histogram equalization (CLAHE) filtering algorithm in conjunction
with an enhanced super-resolution generative adversarial network (ESRGAN), and case 2 without
image enhancement. Augmentation techniques were then performed to generate a balanced dataset
utilizing the same parameters for both cases. Using Inception-V3 applied to the Asia Pacific Tele-
Ophthalmology Society (APTOS) datasets, the developed model achieved an accuracy of 98.7% for
case 1 and 80.87% for case 2, which is greater than existing methods for detecting the five stages of
DR. It was demonstrated that using CLAHE and ESRGAN improves a model’s performance and
learning ability.


vision loss; diabetic retinopathy; image enhancement; APTOS

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