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Melanoma Detection Using Deep Learning-Based Classifications

Publication Date : 2022-12-08
Journal Name : Healthcare


One of the most prevalent cancers worldwide is skin cancer, and it is becoming more common as the population ages. As a general rule, the earlier skin cancer can be diagnosed, the better. As a result of the success of deep learning (DL) algorithms in other industries, there has been a substantial increase in automated diagnosis systems in healthcare. This work proposes DL as a method for extracting a lesion zone with precision. First, the image is enhanced using Enhanced Super-Resolution Generative Adversarial Networks (ESRGAN) to improve the image’s quality. Then, segmentation is used to segment Regions of Interest (ROI) from the full image. We employed data augmentation to rectify the data disparity. The image is then analyzed with a convolutional neural network (CNN) and a modified version of Resnet-50 to classify skin lesions. This analysis utilized an unequal sample of seven kinds of skin cancer from the HAM10000 dataset. With an accuracy of 0.86, a precision of 0.84, a recall of 0.86, and an F-score of 0.86, the proposed CNN-based Model outperformed the earlier study’s results by a significant margin. The study culminates with an improved automated method for diagnosing skin cancer that benefits medical professionals and patients.


deep learning; machine learning; convolutional neural network; HAM10000; skin lesion; ESRGAN

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