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Superlative Feature Selection Based Image Classification Using Deep Learning in Medical Imaging

Publication Date : 2022-09-26
Journal Name : Journal of Healthcare Engineering


Medical image recognition plays an essential role in the forecasting and early identi€cation of serious diseases in the €eld of
identi€cation. Medical pictures are essential to a patient’s health record since they may be used to control, manage, and treat
illnesses. On the other hand, image categorization is a di…cult problem in diagnostics. is paper provides an enhanced classi€er
based on the outstanding Feature Selection oriented Clinical Classi€er using the Deep Learning (DL) model, which incorporates
preprocessing, extraction of features, and classifying. e paper aims to develop an optimum feature extraction model for
successful medical imaging categorization. e proposed methodology is based on feature extraction with the pretrained
E…cientNetB0 model. e optimum features enhanced the classi€er performance and raised the precision, recall, F1 score,
accuracy, and detection of medical pictures to improve the e’ectiveness of the DL classi€er. e paper aims to develop an
optimum feature extraction model for successful medical imaging categorization. e optimum features enhanced the classi€er
performance and raised the result parameters for detecting medical pictures to improve the e’ectiveness of the DL classi€er.
Experiment €ndings reveal that our presented approach outperforms and achieves 98% accuracy.


Image Classification, Deep Learning, Medical Imaging

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