Decision on "Graphene-based Multilayer Surface Plasmon Resonance Solar absorber in the UV to MIR Region for Renewable Energy Application
The developed design invention is proposed in three different types of materials: zirconium (Zr) in a resonator, indium antimonide (InSb) for the substrate, and tungsten (W) developed for the ground section effectively. To indicate the high rates (absorptions) in the developed output line, the wavelengths (in µm) of 0.2, 0.5, 0.75, and 1.5 have been used. The proposed absorber can be investigated in the four regions of the atmosphere (UV area, visible spectrum, near and also middle infrared regions) perfectly. With the development of the wavelengths (µm) and band rates (nm) on the overall range, 97% can be verified with 500 nm bandwidth by 0.2 and 0.7 µm wavelength deviation, and 95.24% by 1150 nm (bandwidth) between 1.74 and 2.89 wavelength values, respectively. The main validation of the design (2800 nm) band rate performs 93.46% from ultraviolet to MIR spectrum. To indicate the current work’s performance effectively, the various sections are also included as the improved absorbed lines by the developing steps of the absorber and the configuration of design in different views with the labels of used materials and numerical parameters in the first section of “Design and Parameters”. After the performance of an investigation of the design, the analyzed values of all used parameters (Zr resonator, InSb substrate, tungsten ground, design width, cylinder radius, and effective chemical potential values) are shown with output absorption lines and color graph. Moreover, to study the polarization, incident angles (degree) performing are also included in “Results and Discussions”. The renewable energy applications of the proposed solar design can be performed in heat storage to support industrial heat such as drying, metal heating, and fluid heating. Moreover, the absorber can also be used for photovoltaic applications (solar electricity, solar heating) and heating applications (water heating).