Intelligent Model Of Ecosystem For Smart Cities Using Artificial Neural Networks
A Smart City understands the infrastructure, facilities, and schemes
open to its citizens. According to the UN report, at the end of 2050, more than
half of the rural population will be moved to urban areas. With such an increase,
urban areas will face new health, education, Transport, and ecological issues. To
overcome such kinds of issues, the world is moving towards smart cities. Cities
cannot be smart without using Cloud computing platforms, the Internet of Things
(IoT). The world has seen such incredible and brilliant ideas for rural areas and
smart cities. While considering the Ecosystem in Smart Cities, there is a consider
able requirement to improve the model to make life better. This proposed research
integrates a city into a smart city using the Internet of Things (IoT) which focuses
on the smart ecosystem. In this research work, a model is proposed to overcome
an ecosystem’s IoT and Machine Learning techniques issues. The Levenberg
Marquardt (LM), Bayesian Regularization (BR), and the Scaled Conjugate Gradi
ent (SCG) algorithms are implemented with an ANN-based approach named to
empower the ecosystem of the smart city while developing an efficient and smart
ecosystem model. The proposed method’s evaluation indicates that the BR algo
rithm achieves promising results concerning accuracy and miss rates. The pre
dicted accuracy of the proposed model shows 91.55% performance of the
ecosystem on the given factors.