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Enhancing Security Decision-Making to Prevent Network Attacks Using Blockchain Technology

Publication Date : 2023-12-13
Journal Name : nternational Journal of Intelligent Systems and Applications in Engineering


The increasing reliance on digital platforms in Saudi Arabia's Information and Communication Technology (ICT) sector raises concerns about data privacy breaches. This study addresses the urgent need for robust security solutions within this context. This study investigates the application of blockchain technology and cryptographic techniques for enhancing data privacy within Saudi Arabia's ICT sector. A mixed-methods research approach was utilized, combining a survey methodology. The proposed solution leveraged the immutable nature of blockchain to bolster data privacy. Findings indicate that blockchain can profoundly improve data privacy across various sectors. The study concludes that while blockchain technology shows significant potential for improving data privacy, ongoing research, ethical and legal considerations, and improved security measures are vital for its successful application in Saudi Arabia's ICT sector.[1]


Security , Decision-Making, Network Attacks, Blockchain Technology

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