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Optimal Deep Neural Network-Based Model for Answering Visual Medical Question

Publication Date : 2021-12-28
Journal Name : Cybernetics and Systems An International Journal


Over the last few years, the amount of available information has increased exponentially in all professional fields, including the medical field. Modern-day patients have access to a wealth of medical information, whether it be from brochures, newspapers, television campaigns, or internet documents. To facilitate and accelerate the search for medical information, more precise systems have been implemented, such as visual question-and-answer systems. A visual question-and-answer system is designed to provide direct and precise answers to questions asked in natural language. In this context, we propose an optimal deep neural network model based on an adaptive optimization algorithm, which takes medical images and natural language questions as input, then provides precise answers as output. Our model starts by classifying medical questions following an embedding phase. We then use a deep learning model for visual and textual feature extraction and emergence. In this paper, we aim to maximize the accuracy rate and minimize the number of epochs in order to accelerate the process. This is a multi-objective optimization problem. The selection of deep learning model parameters, such as epoch number and batch size, is an essential step in improving the model, thus, we use an adaptive genetic algorithm to determine the optimal deep learning parameters. Finally, we propose a dense layer for answer retrieval. To evaluate our model, we used the ImageCLEF 2019 VQA data set. Our model outperforms existing visual question-and-answer systems and offers a significantly higher retrieval accuracy rate.


Bi-LSTM,deep learning,EfficientNet,genetic algorithm,medical visual question answering,optimization

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