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Magnetohydrodynamic flow of Copper-Water nanofluid over a rotating rigid disk with Ohmic heating and Hall Effects

Publication Date : 2023-04-13
Journal Name : Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials


In this article, a steady flow model is developed and analyzed for a water-based nanofluid that is generated by a
rigid circular disk undergoing uniform rotation. Copper nanoparticles have been used for the analysis. Region
over the plate is considered porous possessing uniform porosity whereas a uniformly impinged magnetic flux is
assumed in the axial direction. Considerations of Hall currents and Ohmic heating are undertaken. To simplify
the problem at hand, similarity transformations are utilized to transform it into a set of ordinary differential
equations (ODEs), which can be more easily solved. Additionally, no-slip conditions are enforced at the boundary
of the rigid disk. Numerical solutions for resulting nonlinear system are obtained via shooting method and are
presented graphically for the detailed analysis. Results indicate that for magnetohydrodynamic flow with Hall
effects through a porous medium, there is a direct proportion between axial velocity and volume fraction of
copper-nanoparticles. Also, as the concentration of nanoparticles in the nanofluid increases, there is a corresponding
increase in the temperature of the fluid. Additionally, at higher values of the Hall parameter, the impact
of the Hartman number on flow variables is reduced.


Magnetohydrodynamics Nanofluid Rotating Disk Similarity Transformations

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