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Enhancing the Heat Transfer Due to Hybrid Nanofluid Flow Induced by a Porous Rotary Disk with Hall and Heat Generation Effects

Publication Date : 2023-02-10
Journal Name : mathematics


A study of hybrid-nanofluid flow induced by the uniform rotation of a circular porous
disk is presented for the purpose of facilitating the heat transfer rate. The Hall and Ohmic heating
effects resulting from an applied magnetic field and the source of heat generation/absorption are also
considered to see their impact on flow behavior and enhancing the heat transfer rate. The physical
problem under the given configuration is reduced to a set of nonlinear partial differential equations
using the conservation laws. Similarity transformations are adopted to obtain a system of ordinary
differential equations which are further solved using the Shooting Method. Results are presented
via graphs and tables thereby analyzing the heat transfer mechanism against different variations
of physical parameters. Outcomes indicate that the wall suction plays a vital role in determining
the behavior of different parameters on the velocity components. It is notable that the wall suction
results in a considerable reduction in all the velocity components. The enhanced Hartman number
yields a growth in the radial velocity and a decay in the axial velocity. Moreover, consequences of all
parametric effects on the temperature largely depend upon the heat generation/absorption.


magnetohydrodynamics; porous disk; hall currents; ohmic heating; heat generation; wall suction; shooting method

Publication Link 10.3390/math11040909


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