Effect of RF power of Al2O3 target on the physical properties of aluminum?doped zinc oxide films
In this report, we investigate the optical and electrical properties of aluminum, zinc oxide (AZO) thin films using magnetron
Sputtering method in preparing the thin films and spectrophotometer to measure the optical characteristics. The X-ray diffraction (XRD) patterns of the flms are found to have amorphous structure. The optical band gap Eg, refractive index n,
electronic 훼Ep polarizability, carrier concentration Nc, plasma frequency 휔p, electrical resistivity 휌s, and sheet resistance Rsh
are found to decrease with increasing the RF power of Al2O3 target. The refractive index shows a normal dispersion. Urbach
energy Eu and fgure of merit are found to increase with increasing the RF power of Al2O3 target. Our results manifest that the
change of the RF power of the Al2O3 target can improve the AZO thin flms, which is appropriate for solar sell applications.