Graphene‑Loaded Surface Plasmon Polariton (SPP) Waveguide Surrounded by Uniaxial Chiral (UAC) and Plasma Layers
In this manuscript, we have developed a model for a graphene-loaded surface plasmon polariton waveguide surrounded by
uniaxial chiral and plasma layers. Electromagnetic wave theory is utilized to solve numerical problems. Graphene conductivity
is modeled physically using the Kubo formula, described in the “Methodology” section. The characteristic equation
is obtained by applying boundary conditions at x = 0 . Based on numerical calculations, we examine the impact of chemical
potential, number of graphene layers, plasma frequency, collisional frequency, and chirality on normalized propagation constants.
Furthermore, the cutoff frequency for two different cases of the uniaxial chiral medium used for the different values
of graphene and plasma parameters is revealed. The numerical results reflect that the presented study can be used to fabricate
modulator plasmonic devices ranging from sensing and imaging to communication in the terahertz frequency regime.