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Author name : satti Elhassan Abdelaziz Amira
Publication Date : 2024-04-30
Journal Name : Bulletin of the Chemical Society of Ethiopia


This study aimed to characterize the exudate gum from Acacia nilotica var. nilotica in Sudan and compare its physicochemical properties to Acacia seyal var. seyal and Acacia senegal var. senegal (gum Arabic). Samples were collected from six different states in Sudan over three seasons. The gum had a moisture content of
10.50%, ash content of 1.86%, pH value of 5.19, specific optical rotation of +94.70, intrinsic viscosity of 10.44 cm3 g-1, nitrogen content of 0.024%, protein content of 0.16%, acid equivalent weight of 1907.82, and total uronic acid content of 10.18%. Sugar content analysis revealed arabinose (41.20%), galactose (17.43%), and rhamnose
(10.68%). Potassium was the predominant cation, followed by calcium, magnesium, sodium, lead, and iron. Acacia nilotica was classified as part of the Gummeferae series and exhibited a positive specific optical rotation. The Number average molecular weight (Mn) was estimated using osmometric measurements and gel permeation
chromatography. The gum had a higher molecular weight and lower intrinsic viscosity compared to gum Arabic, suggesting a spheroidal shape of molecule. Amino acid analysis showed similarities with gum Arabic, with hydroxyproline and serine as principal amino acids. Variations in cationic composition were attributed to differences
in soil type among collection locations


Physicochemical characterization, Acacia senegal var. senegal gum, Acacia seyal var. seyal gum, Acacia nilotica var. nilotica gum, gammiferae

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