Investigation of Radium Content and Radon Exhalation Rates in Archeological Areas in Luxor Governorat
In this study, long –term technique for alpha guard have been used to count radium content and radon exhalation rate in archaeological specimens.Specimens collected from Elkebash street, west bank, Luxor and Elkarnak temples. The values of radium contents were ranged from 181.12 to 236.04 with average value 207.919,from 89.41 to 151.84 with average value 122.42, from 121.68 to 217.856 with average value 167.89and from 66.46 to 106.75 with average value82.26 for Elkebash, luxor temple,west bank and ELkarnaktemple respectively.In the other hand the Mass Exhalation Rate (EM)were from 0.99 to 1.78 with average value 1.5 ,from 0.67 to 1.14 with average 0.92 from 0.91 to 1.64 with average value 1.27 and from 0.50 to 0.80 with average value 0.62 for Elkebash, Luxor temple ,west bank and ELkarnak temple archaeological specimens while the Area Exhalation Rate (EX)for Elkebash, Luxor temple ,west bank and ELkarnak temple were from 8.39 to 15.04 with average value 12.65 ,from 8.39 to 14.04 with average 11.77 , from 7.4 to 13.3 with average value 10.23 and from 5.48 to 6.9 with average value 6.2 respectively.