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شيماء محمد مصطفى

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قسم الأحياء - كلية العلوم
College of Science
كلية العلوم
Biology Department
قسم الأحياء
زيارات الصفحة
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المقرارت الحالية

الرمز السنة اسم المقرر
BIO 332 فيروسات وبكتيريا
AEPT 210 علم الاحياء البحرية
BIO 483 النباتات الاقتصادية في المملكة العربية السعودية
AEPT 121 أساسيات علم الأحياء الدقيقة وتطبيقاتها

المقرارت الاخيرة

الرمز السنة اسم المقرر
BIO 222 موفولوجي وتشريح نبات
BIO 484 مجتمعات نباتية

Fm researches

آخر الأبحاث

Green Synthesis of Uncoated and Olive Leaf Extract-Coated Silver Nanoparticles: Sunlight Photocatalytic, Antiparasitic, and Antifungal Activities
Shiamaa Mohamed N Moustafa
Development of Antimicrobial and Insecticidal Silk Fabrics via Eco-printing with Natural Dyes from Agricultural Wastes
Shiamaa Mohamed N Moustafa
Ce and Fe complexes as potent antifungal agents for wallpapers
Shiamaa Mohamed N Moustafa

fm info


Development of Antimicrobial and Insecticidal Silk Fabrics via Eco-printing with Natural Dyes from Agricultural Wastes
Shiamaa Mohamed N Moustafa
Ce and Fe complexes as potent antifungal agents for wallpapers
Shiamaa Mohamed N Moustafa
Antifungal effect of fresh and stored olive mill wastewater and its ethyl acetate extract against plant pathogenic fungi
Shiamaa Mohamed N Moustafa
The impact of copper and silver as interlayers of zinc telluride films on the physical properties and antifungal efficacy of zinc telluride films
Shiamaa Mohamed N Moustafa
Phytosynthesis via wasted onion peel extract of samarium oxide/silver core/shell nanoparticles for excellent inhibition of microbes
Shiamaa Mohamed N Moustafa
Photocatalytic Degradation of Rhodamine-B and Water Densification via Eco-Friendly Synthesized Cr2O3 and Ag@Cr2O3 Using Garlic Peel Aqueous Extract
Shiamaa Mohamed N Moustafa
Green Synthesis of Uncoated and Olive Leaf Extract-Coated Silver Nanoparticles: Sunlight Photocatalytic, Antiparasitic, and Antifungal Activities
Shiamaa Mohamed N Moustafa


جامعة المنيا - العلوم
2001 - 2011


استاذ مساعد
كلية العلوم - جامعة الجوف
2011 - 2024
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