تجاوز إلى المحتوى الرئيسي

Effects of McConnell taping combined with strengthening exercises of vastus medialis oblique in females with patellofemoral pain syndrome

Author name : SHAKEEL . . AHMAD
Publication Date : 2020-07-30
Journal Name : Journal of Pakistan Medical Association


Abstract Objective of the study was to determine the effects of McConnell taping combined with strengthening exercises of vastus medialis oblique muscle in females with Patellofemoral Pain Syndrom. Females with Patellofemoral Pain Syndrome with an age group of 25-45 years having a less than 30/80 score on a Lower Extremity Functional Index (LEFI), anterior knee pain and painful/limited range of motion (ROM) at knee, were included in the study. A total of 51 subjects were randomly assigned into two groups. They were assigned a 30-40 minute per session for 5 days per week over a length of 2 weeks. Numeric Pain Rating Scale, Lower Extremity Functional Index and Goniometry tools were used to assess the measure of interest. These samples only comprised of females with a mean age of 36.04+7.35 years. After 2 weeks, significant improvement was recorded in the Numeric Pain Rating Scale (NPRS) (p<0.001) and Lower Extremity Functional Index (LEFI) (p<0.001). Flexion range of motion of the knee also improved significantly. No statistically significant difference in extension range of the knee was noted in either groups as it was normal at base line.


Knee Biomechanics, Patellar Alignment, Patellar Tracking, Retropatellar Pain, Taping, Vastus Medialis Oblique Strengthening.

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