تجاوز إلى المحتوى الرئيسي

The Moderating Role of Satisfaction and Trust in the Continuance Intention to Use Mobile Banking in Saudi

Publication Date : 2023-05-22
Journal Name : Review of Economics and Finance


The objective of this study is to examine the moderating role of satisfaction and trust in the Continuance intention to use M-banking in Saudi: an application of the Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology (UTAUT). Performance expectancy, effort expectancy, facilitating conditions, social influence, perceived value, habit, and hedonic motivation are independent variables. At the same time, satisfaction and trust are moderating var-iables. Similarly, the intention to continue using M-banking was used as the dependent variable. The study used a questionnaire survey to collect data from 138 users of m-banking applications at Al-Jouf University in Saudi as re-spondents. The primary data collected was analyzed using Smart PLS 3. The study’s findings indicate that Perfor-mance expectancy, facilitating condition, and Habit are the main factors influencing customers’ intention to continue using M-banking applications in Saudi. In addition, trust strengthens the positive relationship between (performance expectancy, facilitating condition, and habit) and Continuance intention to use M-banking. Moreover, satisfaction maintains the positive relationship between habit and Continuance intention to use mobile banking. While has been found that satisfaction dampens the positive relationship between performance expectancy, facilitating condition, and Continuance intention to use M-banking. The outcome will help financial institutions develop strategies to sus-tain consumers' interest in using M-banking applications. In addition, the study is among the first known attempts to examine the moderating role of satisfaction and trust in the Continuance intention to use M-banking in Saudi: an ap-plication of the Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology (UTAUT).


Moderating Role, Arabia, Trust, Satisfaction, M-banking, continuance intention.

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