تجاوز إلى المحتوى الرئيسي

Supra Segmental Phonology in Skaka Dialect and Its Relation to the Modern Standard Arabic

Author name : Atalah Mohammed A Rubaat
Publication Date : 2019-09-27
Journal Name : Open Journal of Modern Linguistics


This study aimed at identifying and documenting some linguistic phenomena in the temporary dialect of Skakans at Al-Jouf region in the northern part of Saudi Arabia. Two major linguistic phenomena: the Istintta and the Kaskasa have been investigated. The study has also interpreted and originated these phenomena taking into consideration their possible relationship with the Classical Standard Arabic (SA) and Semitic languages. A random sample of Skakan people (tribal) was interviewed through a semi-structured interview format based on a deep review of related literature. Data gathered were analyzed using a mixed methodology employing the descriptive approach to analyze and interpret these linguistic phenomena and the historical approach to trace their origins and find out their relationship with the SA and Semitic languages. Content analysis and comparative approaches were also used. Findings indicated that the relationship between the investigated phenomena and the SA was strong in certain cases and weak in others. It was concluded that this instable relationship was beyond avoiding documenting the dialects of people living around the Arabian Peninsula borders by old Arab Linguists.


documenting the dialects of people living around the Arabian Peninsula borders by old Arab Linguists.

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