تجاوز إلى المحتوى الرئيسي

Studying the shielding properties of lead glass composites using neutrons and gamma rays

Author name : Ahmad Mahmud Osman Abdoh
Publication Date : 2015-01-03
Journal Name : Annals of Nuclear Energy


The present work deals with the shielding properties of lead glass composites to find out its integrity for practical shielding applications and radiological safety. Composites of different lead oxide ratios (x =0,5, 10, 15 and 25wt.%) have been prepared by the Nasser Glass and Crystal Company (Egypt). Attenuation measurements have been carried out using a collimated emitted beam from a fission 252Cf (100 lg) neutron source, and the neutron–gamma spectrometer with stilbene scintillator. The pulse shape dis criminating (P.S.D.) technique based on the zero cross-over method was used to discriminate between neutron and gamma-ray pulses. Thermal neutron fluxes were measured using the BF3 detector and ther mal neutron detection system. The attenuation relations were used to evaluate fast neutron macroscopic effective removal cross-section RR-Meas (cm1), gamma rays total attenuation coefficient l (cm1) and thermal neutron macroscopic cross-section RMeas (cm1). Theoretical calculations have been achieved
using MCNP5 code to calculate the same two parameters. Also, MERCSF-N program was used to calculate fast neutron macroscopic removal cross-section RR-MER (cm1). Measured and MCNP5 calculated results have been compared and were found to be in reasonable agreement.


Lead glass composites Neutron removal cross-section Gamma attenuation coefficient MCNP5 code MERCSF-N program

Publication Link

https://doi.org/10.1016/j.anucene.2014.11.046 Get rights and content


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