تجاوز إلى المحتوى الرئيسي

Fog Computing Service in the Healthcare Monitoring System for Managing the Real-Time Notification

Publication Date : 2022-03-12
Journal Name : Journal of Healthcare Engineering


A new computing paradigm that has been growing in computing systems is fog computing. In the healthcare industry, Internet of Things (IoT) driven fog computing is being developed to speed up the services for the general public and save billions of lives. This new computing platform, based on the fog computing paradigm, may reduce latency when transmitting and communicating signals with faraway servers, allowing medical services to be delivered more quickly in both spatial and temporal dimensions. One of the necessary qualities of computing systems that can enable the completion of healthcare operations is latency reduction. Fog computing can provide reduced latency when compared to cloud computing due to the use of only low-end computers, mobile phones, and personal devices in fog computing. In this paper, a new framework for healthcare monitoring for managing real-time notification based on fog computing has been proposed. The proposed system monitors the patient’s body temperature, heart rate, and blood pressure values obtained from the sensors that are embedded into a wearable device and notifies the doctors or caregivers in real time if there occur any contradictions in the normal threshold value using the machine learning algorithms. The notification can also be set for the patients to alert them about the periodical medications or diet to be maintained by the patients. The cloud layer stores the big data into the cloud for future references for the hospitals and the researchers.


Fog Computing , Healthcare Monitoring , IoT

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