تجاوز إلى المحتوى الرئيسي



Effectiveness of Life Style Modification on Lipid Profile for Patients with Hyperlipidemia

Author name : Dalia Mahmoud A Elsherbini
Publication Date : 2020-01-04
Journal Name : American Journal of Nursing Science


Background: Major predisposing factors of Coronary artery diseases were urbanized lifestyles and gro
populations in developing country like Egypt. The modifiable risk factors for cardiovascular disease (Chyperlipidemia, diabetes mellitus, and obesity are likely to increase in the future, but they can be con
through lifestyle modification. Aim of the study: This study was carried out to examine the effect of lif
modification for patients with hyperlipidemia on their lipids profile. Design: Quasi experimental desig
Setting This study was conducted among the patients attending at cardiac outpatient department, Me
University Hospital, Menoufia Governorate, Egypt. Subject: A purposive sample of 100 men and wome
cardiac outpatient clinic were selected. The subjects were divided equally into study and control grou
Instrumentations: a. Structured interview questionnaire: it consists of sociodemographic and medica
physiological measurement: Fasting venous blood samples for Glycosylated hemoglobin level, Lipid p
obtained from all participants, and sent to biochemistry laboratories. Blood pressure assessment and
patients were compiled. Results: Statistical analysis showed that there were statistical differences am
control group regard to total cholesterol, triglyceride, high-density lipoprotein cholesterol and low-d
lipoprotein cholesterol and their arterial blood pressure level. Conclusion: The need for tailoring and
intervention for coronary artery diseases is an essential maneuver to reduce their risk factors occurred
Recommendations: Implementation of lifestyle modification for at risk patient for coronary artery dis
modifying their lifestyle. Routine screening for all subjects above the age of forty to detect abnormal
early and to increase their awareness to prevent and control of cardiovascular disease (CVD) is recommended


Life Style Modification, Lipid Profile, Hyperlipidemia

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