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Enhancement of gain and bandwidth of cylindrical dielectric resonator antenna excited by cavity-backed slot

Publication Date : 2024-08-10
Journal Name : Alexandria Engineering Journal


Dielectric resonator antennas have been demonstrated to be an efficient radiator, especially with the possibility of fabricating it at low cost based on 3-D printing technologies. However, they have two main limitations which are: their relatively small gain (about 5dBi) and narrow bandwidth. To enhance the gain of DRA, higher-order mode excitation can be utilized; however, typically this has a limit of a few dB increments besides its negative effects on the bandwidth. This study employs a cavity-backed slot to provide an appropriate feeding method for a cylindrical dielectric resonator antenna (CDRA). This design effectively facilitates the excitation of higher-order modes, resulting in a significant gain of up to 15 dBi, which is essential for many wireless systems that are unable to support larger aperture sizes through the standard use of arrays. Additionally, two modes are excited to keep a relatively broadband of about 15 %. The proposed design consists of a cylindrical dielectric placed on top of a cavity-backed slot that is excited by a coaxial probe soldered to the top patch of the cavity. With this feeding, a good matching is achieved for different dielectric resonator heights, hence, the gain can be adjusted easily without the need of reoptimizing the antenna or the feed structures. The design process is explained in addition to performing a sensitivity analysis of fabrication tolerances which confirms that the 3-D printer provides enough accuracy with a negligible effect on the antenna’s performance. Then a prototype with a medium length is fabricated and measured to provide high realized gain and impedance bandwidth of 11 dBi and 14.5 %, respectively. The measured data demonstrate the good performance of the antenna with great matching compared to the simulated ones. Furthermore, the antenna presents a good performance in terms of sidelobes and polarization. This proposed design outperforms other DRA designs based on higher-order modes.


Cylindrical dielectric resonator antennaHigh-order modeHigh gainSlot antennaBroadband3-D printed

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