Is SARS CoV-2 viral mutation leading us to a virtual world?
It’s nearly a year, when in December 2019 few casesof atypical pneumonia were detected in the Wuhanprovince of china. During that time, in a very shortspan, the number of cases was sky rocketing not onlyin china, but in various countries. Eventually, on11th March 2020, world health organization (WHO)declared this new infection, Corona virus disease(COVID-19) as pandemic. Since its inception, theworld has witnessed devastating effects of COVID-19on every aspect of human life. According to therecent data available, the pandemic has affected over200 countries with nearly 7.5 million people affectedacross the world. Although, it has low mortality incomparison to Middle East respiratory syndrome(MERS) and Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome(SARS), it has accounted for about 1.6 million deathsacross the globe.