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Composition of Zingiber officinale Roscoe (Ginger), Soil Properties and Soil Enzyme Activities Grown in Different Concentration of Mineral Fertilizers.

Author name : Samy AbdelHamid Selim AbdelSalam
Publication Date : 2022-01-02
Journal Name : Horticulturae


Ginger is rich in different chemical compounds such as phenolic compounds, terpenes, polysaccharides, lipids, organic acids, minerals, and vitamins. The present study investigated the effect of mineral fertilizers on the content of mineral elements in the rhizomes of Zingiber officinale Roscoe, soil enzymes activity, and soil properties in Surkhandarya Region, Uzbekistan. To the best of our knowledge, the present study is the first in Uzbekistan to investigate the mineral elements of ginger rhizome inhabiting Termez district, Surkhandarya region. A Field experiment was conducted at the Surkhandarya experimental station research Institute. Four treatments have been studied (Control with no fertilizers (T-1), N75P50K50 kg/ha (T-2), N125P100K100 kg/ha (T-3) and N100P75K75 + B3Zn6Fe6 kg/ha (T-4)). Results showed that T-4 treatment significantly increased ginger rhizome K, Ca, P, Mg, Fe, Na, Mn, Zn, Si, Li, and V content as compared to all other treatments and control. T-3 treatment significantly increased Mo, Ga, and Ag content in comparison to other treatments. Soil enzymes showed a significant increase for all treatments against control, while T-4 treatment has recorded the highest enzyme activity in comparison to all other treatments in urease, invertase, and catalase content. Soil chemical properties have significantly changed for all treatments against the non-cultivated soil and the zero fertilizers plantation with variation among different treatments. Results showed that ginger root is rich in minerals and can be used as a great potential for nutritional supplements and soil enrichment. This study suggest that combination of macro-microelements have the potential to increase the content of mineral elements in the rhizomes of ginger in field conditions.


ginger; rhizome nutrients; soil nutrients; catalase; urease; invertase

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