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Efficacy of Myrrh Mouth Rinse vs. Chlorhexidine Mouth Rinse in Maintaining the Soft Tissue Health around Dental Implants: A Comparative Study.

Author name : Mohammed Ghazey Afleh Sighereen
Publication Date : 2020-02-01
Journal Name : International Medical Journal


Aim: To evaluate and compare the efficacy of myrrh mouth rinse and chlorhexidine mouth rinse in maintaining the soft tissue health around dental implants. Material and Methods: Sixty two participants with peri-implant mucositis were enrolled in this study. After oral hygiene measures and mechanical debridement, the participants were randomly distributed to myrrh group and chlorhexidine group. The duration of this study was 3 months. Plaque index (PI), probing pocket depth (PD), bleeding on probing (BOP), probing attachment level (PAL), and teeth and tongue stains were evaluated. Comparison of categorical data was made within (pre- and post-treatment) and between the study groups with Student's "t" and Wilcoxon signed-rank tests. Results: At the end of 3 months, the subjects in myrrh group revealed a statistically significant improvement in PI and BOP compared to the chlorhexidine group. Chlorhexidine was observed to be more effective than myrrh in terms of improving PD and PAL. Difference in the teeth stain and tongue stains between the myrrh and chlorhexidine groups was nonsignificant. Conclusion: Routine oral hygiene along with daily rinse of myrrh two times a day can minimise plaque formation and minimise marginal peri-implant bleeding.


Myrrh, dental implant

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