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Prevalence and Side Effects of Energy Drink Consumption among Medical College Students of Jouf University.

Author name : farooq ahmed A wani
Publication Date : 2020-09-30
Journal Name : National Journal of Research in Community Medicine


Introduction: Energy drinks is a drink that sugar and stimulating component, usually caffeine. These drinks are
usually promoted and marketed as physical and mental stimulants that keep you alert for long time. Currently all
over the world in KSA energy drinks have become famous adolescents and college students. Their intake of energy
drink is more than general population. Objectives: To assess the prevalence and side effects of energy drink
consumption among medical college students of Jouf university. Materials and Methods: All the medical students
registered for 2016-17 academic year were included in this study. The present study is an analytical cross-sectional
study design in the setting College of Medicine of Jouf University. The students registered of academic year 2016-
17 were invited to take part in the study. A self-administered questionnaire was used for getting details about sociodemographic characteristics and second part was to assess the energy drink intake and its side effects. A pretested
and structured questionnaire was administered. Data analysis were done by using SPSS Version 17. Results: Of
the study participants, who consumed energy drinks was 32.9% (n=75). Regarding the gender of consumers, a
significantly higher proportion of male students (39.9% of all male students, n=63) consumed energy drinks while
19.0% (12) female students consumed energy drink. Of the energy drink consumers, 58.7% do not remember about
start of energy drink consumption. This study revealed 29 (38.7%) students drinks energy drink while they are
studying. Discussion: This study findings are similar to several studies done in different part of the Kingdom. The
promotion of awareness about the active ingredients of energy drinks and the potential side effects and adverse
events from reaching intoxication levels.


Energy drink, Consumption, Side effects, Medical students

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