تجاوز إلى المحتوى الرئيسي

Knowledge and awareness of stroke in the United Arab Emirates: a cross-sectional study of the general population [

Publication Date : 2023-09-06
Journal Name : F1000 Research


Background: The study aimed to assess stroke knowledge among the general population in the United Arab Emirates (UAE) and determine the factors associated with stroke awareness among people.

Methods: A cross-sectional study was conducted in the UAE between September and November 2021. The general population has self-administered an online bilingual survey (Arabic and English) distributed via social media platforms. The questionnaire covered general knowledge about stroke risk factors, consequences of stroke, and responding to somebody with acute stroke attack.

Results: A total of 545 surveys were completed, with more than half of the participants being female (58.5%), married (55.4%) and employed (59.4%). The majority were less than 50 years old (90.5%) and had a university degree (71.0%). Many of the participants (70.8%) had a good general knowledge of stroke; however, around 20% of the participants were able to recognize all symptoms and risk factors of stroke. The most common sources of stroke-related information were the internet/social media (53.6%). Females were better able to correctly identify at least one stroke symptom and outcome than males (p=0.008). University education has significantly affected participants’ ability to identify early stroke symptoms (p=0.001) correctly. In addition, diabetic people were more likely to recognize at least one stroke outcome than non-diabetic people (p=0.039).

Conclusions: The knowledge of stroke was good among highly educated people and females. However, the awareness of all stroke risk factors, symptoms, consequences and risk factors was inadequate among the general population of the UAE. Thus, there is still a gap between recognition of the relevant stroke and taking action among people.


Stroke, Knowledge, risk factor of stroke, source of information, UAE

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