Advanced Authentication Mechanisms for Identity and Access Management in Cloud Computing.
Identity management is based on the creation and management of user identities for granting access to the cloud resources based on the user attributes. The cloud identity and access management (IAM) grants the authorization to the end-users to perform different actions on the specified cloud resources. The authorizations in the IAM are grouped into roles instead of granting them directly to the end-users. Due to the multiplicity of cloud locations where data resides and due to the lack of a centralized user authority for granting or denying cloud user requests, there must be several security strategies and models to overcome these issues. Another major concern in IAM services is the excessive or the lack of access level to different users with previously granted authorizations. This paper proposes a comprehensive review of security services and threats. Based on the presented services and threats, advanced frameworks for IAM that provide authentication mechanisms in public and private cloud platforms. A threat model has been applied to validate the proposed authentication frameworks with differ- ent security threats. The proposed models proved high efficiency in protecting cloud platforms from insider attacks, single sign-on failure, brute force attacks, denial of service, user privacy threats, and data privacy threats.