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Soil enrichment with actinomycete mitigates the toxicity of arsenic oxide nanoparticles on wheat and maize growth and metabolism

Author name : Muhammad Atif Mushtaq Ahmed
Publication Date : 2021-07-08
Journal Name : Physiologia Plantarum


The use of plant growth-promoting bacteria (PGPB) to enhance plant growth and protection against heavy metal toxicity has been extensively studied. However, its potentiality to reduce arsenate toxicity, a threat to plant growth and metabolism, has been hardly investigated. Moreover, the toxic effect of arsenic oxide nanoparticles (As-NPs) on plants and possible mechanisms for its alleviation has not yet been explored. In this study, the impact of the bioactive actinomycete Streptomyces spp. on the growth, physiology and stress-related metabolites, such as sugars and proline, on As-NPs-stressed wheat and maize plants was investigated. Soil amendment with arsenic oxide nanoparticles (As-NPs) induced the uptake and accumulation of As in the plants of both species, resulting in reduced growth and photosynthesis, but less marked in maize than in wheat plants. Under As-NPs-free conditions, Streptomyces spp. treatment markedly improved growth and photosynthesis in wheat only. The application of Streptomyces spp. reduced As accumulation, recovered the As-NPs-induced growth, photosynthesis inhibition, and oxidative damage in plants of both species. Wheat plants specifically accumulated soluble sugars, while both species accumulated proline. Under As-NPs stress, the ornithine pathway of proline biosynthesis was more important in maize than in wheat plants, while the glutamine pathway was dominant in wheat ones. The addition of Streptomyces spp. further induced the accumulation of proline and starch in both plant species. Overall, despite a different response to Streptomyces spp. under nontoxic conditions, the amendment of as-contaminated soil with Streptomyces spp. induced similar metabolic responses in the two tested species, which trigger stress recovery.


arsenic maize nanoparticles proline wheat

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