تجاوز إلى المحتوى الرئيسي

Efficiency enhancement of photovoltaic-thermoelectric generator hybrid module by heat dissipating technique

Author name : ALTAF HUSSAIN . . RAJPAR
Publication Date : 2024-09-25
Journal Name : Results in Engineering


is a critical issue. The efficiency of photovoltaic systems (PV) is significantly depend on the increased
operating temperatures encountered by solar radiation. One conceivable option for improving the conversion of
solar energy is to integrate a photovoltaic (PV) panel with a thermal-electric generator (TEG) material module to
create a hybrid system. This study proposed a parallel PV-TEG hybrid module that effectively harvests the
maximum solar energy spectrum while maximizing the use of heat generated by the thermoelectric material to
improve the overall system efficiency. The proposed module consists of a photovoltaic unit, thermoelectric
material module and passive cooling of fluid channels. The aim of this work was to develop a PV-TEG hybrid
system and create an energy simulation model in a MATLAB environment to analyze the model’s performance
under various operational conditions by applying both theoretical and experimental approaches. Findings
showed considerable concurrence. At 13:00, when the PV surface temperature was 54 ◦C, the PV efficiency
reached to its lowest value of 12.0 %. Nevertheless, the highest TEG efficiency recorded was 4.7 % at 12:00 h.
The efficiency of the TEG module was significantly affected by weather conditions, inlet cooling water temperature,
and fluid flow rate in comparison to both the PV efficiency and the thermal efficiency.


PV-TEG parallel module Passive cooling Rectangular finned heat sink Energy model TEG thermal efficiency Heat transfer rate

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