Impact of zinc oxide nanoparticles and thymoquinone in Ehrlich ascites carcinoma induced in mice
Background: The field of nanotechnology offers great opportunities for cancer
Objective: This study aimed to compare the therapeutic impact of Zn oxide nanoparticles (ZnO NPs) and thymoquinone (TQ) alone or as cotherapy in Ehrlich ascites
carcinoma (EAC) induced in mice.
Materials and Methods: This study was performed on 75 female albino mice divided
into Group I: EAC‐bearing control group, Group II: EAC treated with TQ, Group III:
EAC treated with low‐dose ZnO NPs, Group IV: EAC treated with high‐dose ZnO
NPs, Group V: EAC treated with TQ and low‐dose ZnO NPs. All groups were subjected to measurement of cell viability, ascites fluid volume, Bcl2 protein expression
by Western blot analysis, cyclooxygenase 2 (COX2) gene expression by a real‐time
polymerase chain reaction, enzyme‐linked immunosorbent assay levels of Beclin 1,
interferon γ (INFγ), interleukin 13 (IL‐13), and estimation of Zn concentrations in
EAC cells and liver homogenate to evaluate its toxicity.
Results: Cotherapy has an efficient anticancer effect by enhancing apoptosis and autophagy, resulting in reducing tumor cell viability and ascites fluid volume together with
downregulation of Bcl2 protein expression. This cotherapy increases Beclin 1 and INFγ
and decreases IL‐13. ZnO NPs upregulate COX2 expression, whereas TQ downregulates
its expression. High‐dose ZnO NPs have more toxic effects on liver enzymes. Using TQ
together with ZnO NPs can eliminate ZnO NPs liver toxicity.
Conclusion: The cotherapy has an efficient anticancer effect by enhancing apoptosis
and autophagy. High‐dose ZnO NPs have more toxic effects on liver enzymes. Using
TQ together with ZnO NPs can eliminate ZnO NP liver toxicity.