Comment on Muhammad Bilal, et al. (J Pak Med Assoc. 72, No-5: 839- 842, 2022) Efficacy of rituximab in patients with rheumatoid arthritis
Madam, we have read the article, "Efficacy of rituximab in
patients with rheumatoid arthritis" (JPMA, Vol 72, No-5,
May 2022) with support and agreement on the authors
view that internationally much work has been done to
explore the treatment modalities with minimum adverse
effects among rheumatoid arthritis patients. However,
there are some equivocal points that require the attention
and are hereby enlisted: The title section the study setting
isn’t presented ,introduction section couldn't give a full
idea about the gap of knowledge the current study tried
to cover moreover the significance of the study wasn’t
stated clearly. Regarding research hypothesis or research
question, none was formulated however they ensure the
entire research methodologies are scientific and valid
moreover; helps to describe research study in concrete
terms rather than theoretical terms.