Maneuvering Digital Watermarking In Face Recognition
The challenges faced in the digital world are many, which could be resolved with some biometric recognition methods. These biometric recognition methods are encompassed within watermarking technology, steganography, cryptography, and many other schemes of security. These methods assist in securing digital images with the authentication of their owner. This paper briefly contextualizes the digital watermarking technique, which is referred to as Natural Preserving Transform (NPT) and Hartley Transform, which is endeavored in the face recognition process. The non-blind extraction and quasi-blind extraction techniques are used for extracting the watermark from the image in the proposed system. This paper articulates the application of this watermarking technique employed in face recognition through watermarking of various face images to multiple backgrounds encompassing gray-scale images. Natural Preserve Transform is employed as a part of the fuzzy logic watermarking. In the proposed system, NPT is employed for encoding a logo of grayscale watermarking text or logo image to a host image located anywhere. The robustness and performance of the proposed system are experimentally tested with the help of image processing operations like image compression, noise degradation, cropping. Due to its unique feature of uniform distribution of face images, this technique is selected among other methods in digital watermarking. The system is tested for its efficiency with experimental analyses, which could be confirmed with the results of the simulation. The above system is proposed for copyright protection, authentication, and security requirements.