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Electrochemical performance of transition metal sulfide by employing different synthesis techniques for hybrid batteries

Publication Date : 2022-10-06
Journal Name : International Journal of Energy Research


Hybrid batteries a well-known electrochemical energy storage technology that comprises of both supercapacitor and battery characteristics at the same time. The hybrid batteries can fulfill the current global energy quest as they have obtained high energy density (battery) and high-power characteristics (supercapacitor). Here, we have demonstrated the effect of synthesis technique on the electrochemical performance of manganese sulfide (MnS) by mainly opting sonochemical and hydrothermal approach. Initially, the electrochemical characterizations of MnS were analyzed in three electrode setup. Electrochemical measurements in particular cyclic voltammetry, galvanostatic charge discharge, and impedance spectroscopy were studied to scrutinize the nature of the electrodes. The hydrothermally synthesized MnS shows battery grade nature with superior specific capacity of 608.08 C/g at 2.2 A/g. On account of high electrochemical performance, the prominent electrode was employed with activated carbon to explore hybrid battery applications. The hybrid device (S2//AC) has revealed exceptional specific capacity of 265 C/g at 2 A/g and 519.8 C/g at 3 mV/s. Also, the S2//AC device manifests remarkable specific power and energy of 1700 W/kg and 62.5 Wh/kg, correspondingly. Furthermore, a simulation approach was used to evaluate the contribution of capacitive and diffusive by applying Dunn's model. The nature of the asymmetric device was also confirmed by calculating its b fitting values. This study shows that the MnS has the potential to be utilized for efficient energy storage systems.


Electrochemical performance of transition metal sulfide by employing different synthesis techniques for hybrid batteries

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