Hydrothermally assisted bimetallic transition metal sulfide as battery grade electrode and activated carbon as capacitive electrode for hybrid energy storage devices
Hybrid energy storage systems grab intense attention owing to their versatile worth in energy applications. However, the enhancement of energy and power density still needs considerable attention. In this regard, we have stated the optimization of bimetallic sulfide synthesized via hydrothermal technique. Various samples of nickel manganese sulfide were prepared with varying concentration of each element in the binary composition. The structural and morphology analysis of the synthesized materials were accomplished through XRD, and SEM. The prepared binary metal sulfides were then electrochemically tested in three cell configuration which revealed that Ni0.50Mn0.50S hold the superior performance, recognizing it to be favorable for supercapattery application. A hybrid device NiMnS//Activated carbon was fabricated which delivered a decent energy and power density of 45.7 Wh/kg and 1700 W/kg …