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حلومة خميس بلال

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قسم الكيمياء - كلية العلوم
College of Science
كلية العلوم
Chemistry Department
قسم الكيمياء
زيارات الصفحة
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المقرارت الحالية

المقرارت الاخيرة

الرمز السنة اسم المقرر
CHM 213 كيمياء عضوية
CHM 242 أسس الكيمياء العضوية (2)
CHM 346 المنتجات الطبيعية

Fm researches

آخر الأبحاث

Accurate Prediction of Reverse Solute Flux in Forward Osmosis Systems Using Comparative Machine Learning Models
Hallouma Bilel Ep Thouir
Evaluation of the efficacy of lemon leaf extract and clove essential oil as long- term sources for treating fungus and parasites linked to pet birds
Hallouma Bilel Ep Thouir
Membrane Distillation for Methylene Blue Dye Removal from Wastewater: Investigating Process Optimization and Membrane Wettability
Hallouma Bilel Ep Thouir

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Accurate Prediction of Reverse Solute Flux in Forward Osmosis Systems Using Comparative Machine Learning Models
Hallouma Bilel Ep Thouir
Evaluation of the efficacy of lemon leaf extract and clove essential oil as long- term sources for treating fungus and parasites linked to pet birds
Hallouma Bilel Ep Thouir
Membrane Distillation for Methylene Blue Dye Removal from Wastewater: Investigating Process Optimization and Membrane Wettability
Hallouma Bilel Ep Thouir
Sustainable biodiesel production from waste olive oil: Utilizing olive pulp-derived catalysts for environmental and economic benefits
Hallouma Bilel Ep Thouir
Antifungal effect of fresh and stored olive mill wastewater and its ethyl acetate extract against plant pathogenic fungi
Hallouma Bilel Ep Thouir
An overview of chemical composition and fungicidal activity of Olive (Olea Europea L.) Leaf Extract
Hallouma Bilel Ep Thouir
Biochemical profile, antioxidant effect and antifungal activity of Saudi Ziziphus spina-christi (L.) Desf. for vaginal lotion formulation
Hallouma Bilel Ep Thouir
Biochemical profile, antioxidant effect and antifungal activity of Saudi Ziziphus spina-christi (L.) Desf. for vaginal lotion formulation
Hallouma Bilel Ep Thouir
Investigation of Chemical Compositions and Biological Activities of Mentha suaveolens L. from Saudi Arabia
Hallouma Bilel Ep Thouir
Design, Synthesis, and Antifungal Activity of Some New Thiazolo[4,5-d]pyrimidine-5-thione Derivatives
Hallouma Bilel Ep Thouir
Transformations of bio-sourced 4-hydroxyphenylpropanoids based on olefin metathesis
Hallouma Bilel Ep Thouir
Seeds oil extract of Mesembryanthemum forsskalii from Aljouf, Saudi Arabia: Chemical composition, DPPH radical scavenging and antifungal activities
Hallouma Bilel Ep Thouir


جامعة قرطاج - تونس - المعهد الوطني للعلوم التطبيقية و التكنولوجيا
2010 - 2008
جامعة قرطاج- تونس - المعهد الوطني للعلوم التطبيقية و التكنولوجيا- تونس
2009 - 2003
جامعة Rennes 1 بفرنسا - كلية العلوم
2015 - 2010


دراسة التركيب الكيميائي والنشاط المضاد للأكسدة والبيولوجي لبعض النباتات العطرية السعودية.
2021 - 2022


استاذ مساعد
جامعة الجوف
2018 - 2024


دكتوراه في الكيمياء
2010 - 2015
تواصل معنا